Top 5 Foods to Stock Up on in May, Recommended by Dietitians

Pring is fading and summer’s bounty is arriving! Time to ditch the heavier winter dishes and embrace the light, fresh flavors of the season.

It’s May, time to ditch the wilted leftovers and embrace the fresh flavors bursting onto the scene! Warmer weather means sunshine-kissed veggies and juicy fruits are at their peak. It’s like Mother Nature’s giving our tables a high five! Registered dietitians picked these top 5 to help you stock up on the season’s best.

1. Radishes

Ever mindlessly munch on radish slices in a salad? They deserve more credit! These little guys are at their freshest right now, so it’s the perfect time to toss them in your shopping cart. They’re not just crunchy and delicious, Rahaf Al Bochi, a registered dietitian, says they’re also packed with vitamins and minerals like vitamin C, potassium, and copper. Plus, they might even help fight off bad bacteria and even cancer! Radishes – they’re little nutritional powerhouses!

Radishes ( Image Source : )

Know what I have changed here

  • Started with a relatable question: Instead of how many times, I used “Ever mindlessly munch” to make it more personal.
  • Used informal language: Replaced “fully appreciate” with “deserve more credit” and “pop of peppery goodness” with “crunchy and delicious” for a more conversational tone.
  • Emphasized freshness: Highlighted “freshest right now” to encourage buying radishes in season.
  • Simplified the benefits: Explained the technical terms “antimicrobial,” “anti-cancer,” and “antioxidant properties” with easier to understand benefits like “fight off bad bacteria” and “even cancer.”
  • Added an enthusiastic conclusion:  Used “nutritional powerhouses” to create a positive and memorable impression of radishes.

2. Cherries

West coasters, rejoice! May is cherry season! For folks in the Midwest and East Coast, hold your horses – those red beauties will hit your farmers’ markets by mid-June. But trust us, the wait is worth it! Cherries aren’t just a burst of sunshine in your fruit bowl; they’re a nutritional powerhouse too. One cup gives you 3 grams of fiber, keeping your gut happy and blood sugar steady. Plus, they’re loaded with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory fighters, according to dietitian Melissa Renae. That means they might help prevent chronic diseases, keep you feeling young, and give your heart a high five!

Cherries ( Image Source : )

Know what I have changed here

  • Added excitement: Used phrases like “rejoice” and “red beauties” to create anticipation.
  • Emphasized patience: Used a friendly tone to acknowledge the wait for East Coast readers.
  • Informal language: Replaced “delicious and beautiful food” with “burst of sunshine in your fruit bowl” for a more conversational tone.
  • Simplified benefits: Explained “fiber” with its benefits and used clear language for “antioxidants” and “anti-inflammatory compounds”.
  • Added positive spin: Used “fighters” for “compounds” and “high five” for “improving heart health” to make it more engaging.

3.  Morel Mushrooms

Mushrooms aren’t just your boring white buttons anymore! May is prime time for a special guest: the mighty morel. You might find them at the grocery store, but farmers’ markets are a great place to hunt these treasures, says dietitian Grace Derocha. Don’t worry, they’re all about flavor, not calories or fat. In fact, they’re packed with protein and fiber to keep you feeling satisfied. Plus, they come with a bonus of vitamins and minerals like vitamin D, zinc, and iron! And the good stuff doesn’t stop there – morels are loaded with antioxidants and might even help fight inflammation and boost your immune system. So, ditch the usual and go for a morel adventure!

Morel Mushrooms ( Image Source : )

Know what I have changed here

  • Intriguing introduction: Used “boring white buttons” and “special guest” to create interest.
  • Emphasized accessibility: Mentioned both grocery stores and farmers’ markets.
  • Focused on benefits: Simplified the nutritional content by highlighting protein, fiber, and vitamins/minerals.
  • Used positive spin: Described antioxidants and potential health benefits in a clear and engaging way.
  • Added a call to action: Encouraged readers to try morels.

4. Carrots

Who knew May was prime time for carrots? Dietitian Angel Planells says they’re extra sweet this month, like nature’s candy! And that beautiful orange color isn’t just for show – it’s packed with beta-carotene, which turns into vitamin A in your body. Vitamin A helps your immune system fight off sickness and might even protect against some diseases. Plus, one cup of chopped carrots gives you almost 4 grams of fiber, keeping your digestion on track.

Carrots ( Image Source : )

Small carrots tend to be sweeter, so enjoy them raw with some hummus for a refreshing snack. Bigger ones? Slice them up for a salad or stir-fry. Roasting brings out their natural sweetness (think maple!), and you can even puree them for creamy dips. So many ways to love carrots!

Know what I have changed here

  • Emphasized seasonality: Highlighted May as the peak season for sweet carrots.
  • Informal language: Used “nature’s candy” and “keeps your digestion on track” for a more conversational tone.
  • Simplified benefits: Explained beta-carotene’s conversion to vitamin A and its benefits in a clear way.

5. Asparagus

Calling all asparagus lovers! May is when these green spears are at their most glorious. Look for bunches with firm stalks and fresh, tightly closed tips. Asparagus is a superstar when it comes to nutrients – it’s packed with vitamin C and fiber, and Chef Abbie Gellman says it’s an excellent source of vitamin K too! Bonus: it’s low in calories, with only 38 per cup cooked.

Asparagus ( Image Source : )

Cooking asparagus is a breeze! Chef Gellman recommends tossing it with olive oil, salt, and pepper, then roasting it in the oven at 425°F for 20 minutes. But that’s just the tip of the asparagus spear (pun intended)! You can also stir-fry it or throw it on the grill for a smoky twist.

Here’s a cool storage tip: stand the asparagus upright in a glass with a little water, then cover the tips with a plastic bag. It’ll look like a tiny bouquet in your fridge and stay fresh for longer!

Know what I have changed here

  • Informal language: Used “glorious” and “superstar” to create excitement.
  • Simplified benefits: Explained vitamin K in a clear way.
  • Added a pun: Made it a little more fun to read.
  • Described storage method: Explained the asparagus storage tip in a more engaging way.

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